Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How and What are causes of lacking behind the lower middle class children in ..........?

Problems Occur :- We, the wise people of the nation expect the progress in the field of education...........but to whom the task is availed....of course the kids or children....Have we ever observed the fact of the situation and their age thinking ?....may be yes or never .......But up to what depth....? A) The most troubling thing in our society today is how children treat each other. We try to teach our children to have high morals so they will be honest and kind when they become older. But how are our children acting when grownups are not around. Kids tend to classify each other by how rich their parents are and how well they dress. To a child who is classified as being poor the ridicule and constant teasing can be overwhelming possibly causing many psychological problems. B) Children want a lot of things and as parents we would like to give those things to them. But a lot of the time we can't afford to. With the rising cost of living it is hard for some people to even put food on the table. With the price of designer label clothes being so high many people can only afford to shop at Malls. To a child fashion is everything if you don't look cool than you will not be accepted by others. You will be teased and made fun of. C) Children go through a lot growing up have to use their parents’ morals to battle today's social problems. Many things can effect a child's psychological behavior which in return effects the people around them Education is vital to a person who wants to make it anywhere in life. D) It is really hard to raise children being a single mom. It takes two incomes to have a stable life style. A parent would do anything for their children including giving up luxuries to put food on the table every day. It is difficult to get a good paying job if you don't have the right degrees. It's hard to try to go to school, to get the skills needed to advance in life, and hold down a low paying job and take care of your children. F) Poverty effects people throughout their life. It has many psychological effects on people such as mental anguish. Some people are good at dealing with these problems. A major point we need to get across to our children is to respect others and treat them as you would want to be treated. Our children's morals have been blown out of the water with this new age independent rebel attitude. Poverty is not a disease it's real life people just trying to survive. It is very difficult to tackle with the problems but not impossible, It needs to be treated by understanding the, come forward with........

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